A word or two about I.A.
I.A. is not a brand, nor is it an author. I.A are my initials - Ioana Andreea - and I am a maker of lampwork glass beads and jewelry.
I.A. story begins a couple of years ago when I started playing with fire and glass and got hooked. I discovered this art, because yes, it is a form of art, while looking to buy some beautiful Venetian fioratto beads, better known as wedding cake beads. And, whilst I did acquire a strand of these vintage beads, I started researching the art of making them, as I have always been drawn by jewelry. So, after setting up a little home studio in my attic, I started learning and practicing, everyday becoming more and more fascinated by this medium, by the way it melts, it moves, how it behaves in and outside the flame, how it can be transformed in both shape and color and how to make the bead your canvas and the flame your brush. 
Then, after some time, and once I was happy with my skills and confident enough, I decided it was time to put glass and precious metals together. Thus, the jewelry line incorporating my own lampwork glass started. And I personally think that this is a match made in heaven. The coldness and stiffness of the metal is softened by the vivid colors of the glass, the metal's fluidity is enhanced by that of the glass and brought together, in either perfect geometrical shapes or more organic, they become unique pieces, full of expression, ideas and special visual effects.
In the end, my dear visitor, I hope you will enjoy my creations and should you desire a custom piece, please drop me an e-mail or contact me via my social pages below.
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